Friday, December 12, 2008

I've been busy

Well, this week I realized that the middle of December was almost here and Christmas was fast approaching. So after the full blown panic attack. I enclosed myself in my scrapbook room and got quite a bit accomplished.

12x12 Easter Layout Swap: made 8

Valentine's Recipe Swap

Teacher's gifts: will be filled with candy. Made 9

Hot Cocoa Mix containers for family: made 12

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

disney paint can from Carrie Cameron

Here is the Disney Paint Can Swap and Challenge that I received from Carrie Cameron. I loved everything that she made. Ariel is my and my girls favorite character so I was so happy to see so much Ariel. I had to fight my girls to keep all of this.

Shaker boxesextra goodies


more extras

journal boxesphoto frames
more photo frames
tag title and page kit
character cuts
The paint can

Thanks again Carrie. You did an awesome job and I so enjoyed making a can for you and receiving the can that you made for me.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

photo mat
more photo mats

altered paint can
My paint can and all its contents is going to Carrie Cameron. I really hope she likes what I was able to accomplish.

matted quotes


journal boxes (Mickey opens)

shaker boxes

These are some of the challenges that I did for the Disney Paint Can Swap. We were to decorate the paint can and then had 7 challenges to complete. I was very happy with the titles .

How a Cricut changed my life

I had seen the infomercials and the die cutting machine on display at Michaels, but I never knew what a wonderful invention this was until I actually used one. Then I suddenly knew what all the fuss was about!! This machine is the holy grail of scrapbooking. It cuts letters and shapes in multiple sizes. No more worrying if you have enough alphabets stickers to make your title. No more worrying about if your flower punch is the right size for what you need. Now I can cut a flower in any size from 1/4inch to 12 inches (I have the Expression). And this is just talking about the practical useable aspects of the machine. I have yet to talk about the Message Board that has overtaken my life! From spending hours just reading everything to being part of the swaps. Now every free moment is spent in my craft room either talking about my Cricut Expression or playing with it. I have found so much inspiration and my scrapbooking hobby that was getting forgotten has now been revived.